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Our lives are a series of ups and downs, triumphs and tragedy, success and stress.
The question is not whether we will experience difficulty, challenge, or trauma; it is what we will do in response to such events and experiences.
Most people are not always aware that they are carrying trauma that hinders their development and affects their ability to live a fulfilling life. Most are not necessarily aware of being the victims and survivors of traumas that could not be heard, digested, or appeased stored in their body or psyche.
The impact of trauma is saved and configured based on these experiences it is necessary to address topics beyond (PTS) and explore the realms of the human struggle, the complicated coping mechanisms, addictions, losses, grief, and death. The confusion of Identity or the Purpose, the Split and Disparity in roles we play. Integrate Healing and Transformation into the timeline at the place of trauma stored in our body and at the point where we experience intimacy. To heal the trauma that keeps us at that age where we experienced it.
About 6 out of every 100 people (or 6% of the population) will have PTSD at some point in their lives. A general population survey conducted in 24 countries showed that more than 70 per cent of respondents experienced a traumatic event, and 30.5 per cent had experienced four or more events.
Trauma Healing, Transformation and Transcendence Report 2022


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