Date: 11th November 2022 Time: 10:35PM - 11:35PM IST 9:05AM - 10:05 AM GMT
Co-author of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Vol. I (1980)
Co-developer of a number of projects applying Systemic NLP
A co-author of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Vol. I (1980), with Robert Dilts, John Grinder and Richard Bandler, Judith was involved in the creation of the fundamental NLP technique of Reframing. A student of Milton Erickson, Judith modelled his tracking strategy for creating and utilizing trance states and metaphors. This work is described in Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Vol. II (1976), which she co-authored with John Grinder and Richard Bandler.
In the book Turtles All the Way Down: Prerequisites to Personal Genius (1987), which she co-authored with John Grinder, Judith explored the interrelationships between NLP and the threads of culture, community, art, aesthetics and epistemology. The result of this work was the creation of NLP New Coding, which stimulated a movement toward a more systemic and relational approach to NLP, and a resurgence of interest in the work of Gregory Bateson. In addition to the development of Perceptual Positions, which have become one of the fundamental distinctions of NLP, Judith’s contributions to NLP New Coding include Attention Training and the relationship between conscious and unconscious processes.
Judith has been primarily responsible for bringing NLP to the area of transcultural competence, pioneering the application of NLP to the development of cross-cultural skills. Judith’s background in ballet and Congolese dance has led her to promote the use of dance and movement as a primary tool of NLP. One result of this was the development of the Dancing S.C.O.R.E. technique. Another manifestation is the creation with Robert Dilts of the processes of Somatic Syntax.
Judith holds a master’s degree (MA) in Religious Studies, and a bachelor’s degree (BA) in Anthropology and Religious Studies from the University of California at Santa Cruz, where she met Grinder and Bandler. She has taught NLP all over the world, including Europe, Asia, Indonesia, Australia, Mexico, Central America, Canada, and the United States, and was president of Grinder, DeLozier, and Associates, and DeLozier and Associates for approximately 14 years. She is presently an associate of NLP University with Robert Dilts.
Judith is a co-developer of a number of projects applying Systemic NLP, ranging from modelling leadership to health care and cross-cultural competence. She is a co-author, with Robert Dilts and Todd Epstein, of The Encyclopedia of Systemic NLP (1999). Some of her other written works include contributions to Leaves Before the Wind (1989) and Map and Territory (1997), co-authored with Robert Dilts.
Turtles All the Way Down: Prerequisites to Personal Genius
Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson
NLP Ll, the Next Generation
NLP II: The Next Generation: Enriching the Study of the Structure of Subjective Experience